CALL US: 314.745.9909
Helping Hands and Horses, Inc
In partnership with the community, serve Children, Adults, and Veterans, from the Greater St. Louis metropolitan area, with physical or occupational needs build a positive self-concept and support their families with respite by providing personalized equine assisted therapy, at no cost.
Wish List – updated 3/22/23
Flag and pole with landscaped area by pavilion outdoor arena. WISH GRANTED!
Surveillance Equipment
Eagle Project – Ethan Cage Troop 406 and Steve Holt supervising – pavilion attached to roof on the back side of the kitchen WISH GRANTED!
Lighting for sensory course – requires work crew with electrical background and all hardware and materials. Working to find a grant!
Removal of barbed wire - replace w/fences – workday for any adult work group
Fencing - workday for any adult work group. attach fencing to new posts throughout campus
install new – dig post holes, concrete, set posts
Create Indian Village – Build and setup Hogan – tepee – perfect workday for scout troop
Outdoor Arena:
Paint metal fences and gates – red outdoor paint
Refresh varnish and seal on all wooden benches and signs
Farm Equipment:
Chain Saw
Leaf Blowers
Rock Rakes
Skill Saws
Small Hand and Plumbing Tools
Volunteer to maintain and winterize variety of farm and lawn equipment
Clean saddles, pads and tack
Adoption of 17 Therapy Horses ($23,800 = 17 x $1,400 annually) – see website for availability
Horse supplements - $2,000
Veterinary bill ($6,800 = $400 x 17 annually)
Monthly feed
Teeth cleaning ($2,040 = $120 x 17 annually)
1 Round bale feeder - $300
Tack (Can be purchased online via Freedom or at Buchheits):
Variety of cinches
Rainbow reigns
Pooper scooper - $17 Buchheit
2 stable carts for manure transport - $700 (2 x $350)
Adjustable stirrups
2 new horse pads – large and medium
Fly spray
Hoof supplements – Mano Pro
Small belts with built in handles (30 lbs)o
Small harness with handles (30 lbs)
5 neoprene girths – 2 small 30 inch and 3 large 34 inch
Horse trainer
Horse Barn:
Upgrade electricity in the hay barn – volunteer with electrical expertise and hardware WISH GRANTED !
Steel Metal Loft Wall Ladder Stairs Attic Folding Ladder Design and installation ($,1500 - $764.75 + installation)
Frame in stall mats and reseat
9 new stall mats- Bucheits $80 each
Replace flooring in the horse barn
New Hay Barn
Install electricity - volunteer with electrical expertise and hardware
Build stalls for 6 horses; purchase and install 6 stall door
Purchase and install window screens – all windows
Upper Arena:
2 horse hookups
Outdoor Arena WISH GRANTED
Lower Arena: Build install baby changing station in newer bathroom.
concrete entrance into the arena for ease with wheelchairs 15 x 20​
Utility Barn with attached Old Towne and Schoolhouse:
Steel Metal Loft Wall Ladder Stairs Attic Folding Ladder Design and installation ($,1500 - $764.75 + installation)
Build wall behind Old Towne (Framing for 20ft + wall) create with used pallets.
Program Needs:
Gift cards to Office Depot and or Buchheit Feed store
Physical therapist to advise on optimizing therapy
Instructional aides to complement program – small prizes used as giveaways
Horse built from barrel – see Pintrest for Barrel Drum Horses
Build wooden horse with soft leather head and leather accessories for children to play/climb on and familiarize children with horses
4 Fire extinguishers
2 Medical supplies - cardio defibrillator (upper and lower arena) WISH GRANTED!
PR person
Logos painted on all doors and entrance areas on campus
8 wooden horse benches (4 4-foot benches for adults and 4 2-foot benches for children)
Cowboy/horse metal cutouts for decoration around property
Outdoor paints by the gallon, Preferred rainbow colors and red, whit and blue for fences. ​
Things to Build
Little Red wagon needs buckboard seats rebuilt on either side and floor reinforced.